Neighbourhood Circus
Neighbourhood Circus
Greentop’s Grimesthorpe Neighbourhood Circus is providing fabulous opportunities for amazing local young people, families and adults with support from Sheffield Creative Communities Fund.
Our Wednesday Neighbourhood Circus sessions worked towards a Street Circus Parade that took place in July, working with Care for Young People’s Future (CfYPF), Welcoming Cultures, Local performance company PifPaf and Grimesthorpe Family Centre. Stilts and diabolo routines, street and Roma dance were all developed with the young people “walking tall” on their stilts and delighting in their Roma dances in full costume, all performed to over 100 local friends and family and captured on film by the group.
The Neighbourhood Programme is supported The Brelms Trust
Wellbeing Workshops
Starting in September, we will be running wellbeing workshops for local women. Dates and times will be confirmed as soon as we can. If you’re interested please email
Places are free (but limited) and are aimed at women who want to get active and connect with people in the local community. No movement experience is needed to enjoy these relaxed sessions. We will include simple movement and circus skills adapted for complete beginners.
Develop balance, confidence and have fun. Workshops are in partnership with Terezia Rostas.