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Spectrum Circus

Spectrum Circus

Circus sessions for children on the AUDHD spectrum & their families (you do not need to be officially diagnosed to join us).

Our sessions are child-led, low light, with no music, We are qualified teachers with lived experience. We keep our groups small.


Whilst we are currently taking a break from running these sessions until funding is secured, We are able to run a special session on Sunday 2nd Febrauray 2025

Spectrum Circus Red (for  4 – 7 years) 1.00 – 2.30pm
Spectrum Circus Indigo (for 8 – 13 years) 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Price: £8 per child


A mixture of age-appropriate basic skills such as hula hoop, scarf juggling, plate spinning, diablo, bucket stilts, flower sticks, beam, silk cocoons & trapeze.

There will be fun and often silly warm up and warm down games
Adults are encouraged to join in with the fun.

For further details contact Greentop 0114 244 8828 or youthcircus@greentop.org

The Spectrum Circus sessions have been made possible with support from Harry Bottom Trust and Victoria Wood Foundation

A massive thank you to Trudi for the workshop she ran for the Integrated Resource pupils here at Forge Valley school this morning. Both pupils and staff had a great time, children who struggle to take part in group activities and have motor skills difficulties got so much out of the session and a sense of achievement.

- Helen Latham, Forge Valley School